Last Tuesday I had to opportunity to go to the Provo Temple and participate in baptisms and confirmations for the dead with a couple of my friends. We were there for a couple of hours that morning, and then I went back to my apartment and finished packing, and then headed to Wyoming for Thanksgiving break. I never realized how convenient it was to live only five minutes away from the temple, because growing up we always had to drive two hours to get to the Billings, Montana temple. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, was my home wards scheduled youth trip. Our wards session was at 8:00, but everyone was encouraged to be there at 7:45 to meet all together in the distribution center. That meant that we would have to leave our house at 5:30! Even though we knew we would have to get up super early, we were too involved in playing games Friday night that we didn't get to bed very early. It seemed that just a few seconds after I had shut my eyes, my alarm was going off telling me that it was 4:30. I got up and got in the shower and got ready for the day. My littlest brother Torey, just turned 12 in October, so this was going to be his first time in the temple. He was very excited! As he was getting dressed in his church clothes, he came into my room and asked me if the socks he was going to wear were white enough. I couldn't help but smile as I told him that they were perfect! After two hours in the car, we finally arrived at the beautiful Billings Temple. Torey was all smiles as he walked out of the temple and he said that he couldn't wait for the next temple trip. He was also excited that we would get to see him pass the sacrament the next day! I am so proud of my little brother and the good choices that he is making! I am also thankful for the opportunity that I have to be only 5 minutes away from a temple so that I can go there more often!
Torey in front of the Billings, Montana Temple |
This last summer as I was the primary pianist in my home ward, I loved hearing the primary kids sing with excitement the words to
I Love to See the Temple. " I love to see the temple. I'm going there someday to feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray. For the temple is a House of God, a place of love and beauty. I'll prepare myself while I am young; this is my sacred duty. I love to see the temple. I'll go inside someday. I'll covenant with my Father; I'll promise to obey. For the temple is a holy place where we are sealed together. As a child of God, I've learned this truth; a family is forever."
I really do love seeing many different temples, especially at night when they are all lit up. They seem to stand out even when they are surrounded with so many tall buildings. I know that we are capable of doing the same. Even when surrounded by so many worldly things, because of the Light of Christ that is inside of us, we can stand out and be examples to everyone around us.
The Billings, Montana Temple |
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