I found this argument hilarious and thought that others would enjoy reading some of these comebacks. Facebook drama makes me laugh! :) Enjoy!!! (These are all direct quotes! The only thing changed is the names of those who were involved)
USU Student #1: Frustrated with the people blaming the student section for the loss last night. Frustrated with the administration trying to ruin the spectrum magic. Let me tell you, the three minutes we sat in silence was the longest three minutes of a basketball game EVER. I love my Aggies, win or lose. So here's to a new season, and a new winning streak at home, starting NOW.
Random person: Is it true that the students were mad about/protesting the fact that the USU president issued a letter of apology for the crowd being inappropriate and rude?
No, we protested the fact that the administration was monitoring our cheers so much that we weren't allowed to point or say "stupid."
BYU STUDENT 1: Maybe if the USU fans wouldn't have acted so inappropriately at the BYU game, there wouldn't be problems with your administration monitoring your cheers.
BYU STUDENT 2: Your student section took bad sportsmanship to a whole new level...also known as immaturity!
It's college sports. BYU knew how crazy USU gets and coming into the Spectrum they should have expected it. But that's not even what this is about. We could care less about a stupid apology letter. But then again, if BYU can't take the heat, they shouldn't come here. It's a little immature of BYU to call us immature and "classless." I'm not going to argue about it because I could care less about BYU.
So you're saying because it's college sports it's okay to have no sportsmanship? There's a difference between having school spirit and attacking the other team's players for something so personal. And this is about BYU, because if it wasn't for how your fans acted at that game you guys wouldn't have forced your administration to have to babysit you.
USU Student #2: I don't feel USU fans acted inappropriately at the BYU game, I just feel the BYU fans and players are a little overly sensitive. We fans are NOT players, we don't have to have 'sportsmanship'.
So you admit that your fans don't have sportsmanship. Classy.
If we would have done this to ANY other school, there wouldn't have been a problem, but because BYU is so uptight and worried about their PR, they freaked out on us. Davies is going to get a heck of a lot more heckling from other schools because BYU is BYU.
HAHAHAH! (Lists two peoples names) There we go again! BYU FANS CALLING US CLASSY! What the heck is it with BYU fans thinking they're SOO much more classier.
The thing is you guys wouldn't do that to any other school. If any LDS guy on any other team was going through the repentance process for something like that, I guarantee you wouldn't make fun of them. Maybe there's a reason BYU fans keep saying you don't have class. Because you don't.
USU Student #3: Saying classy is in itself not classy.
Well for one, if there was an LDS guy on another team having to go through that, he would 1. Still be playing because it;s not against the rules at any other college and 2. Not receive heckling for that because no one would ever KNOW. BYU chose to make Davies probation and the reason behind that public knowledge, so now they need to deal with the fact that people are going to heckle Davies for that. Instead, they cry and whine that we were rude and "classless." GET OVER IT. Seriously.
No, we go to a school that doesn't dictate what we can say, wear, drink, and worship. Sorry we have the freedom at USU to express ourselves anyway we like. And furthermore, BYU announced to the entire nation what Davies did. EVERY opposing team that comes to the Spectrum gets heckled. BYU was NO exception.
And THIS is why I chose Utah State over BYU.
Did you even get accepted to BYU?
haha standard response
I didn't even bother applying because I made up my mind about USU a LONG time ago.
If you've argued with one Cougar, you've argued with them all.
Ain't it the truth USU Student #3? Hahaha.
The same can be said for Aggies. Honestly, though, we chose BYU because we want to live by the Honor Code, not because we have to. Davies messed up and fixed it, so why do you feel the need to harass him for it? And you can't say you chose USU over BYU if you didn't even get accepted-whether you applied or not.
Quit trying to argue on Facebook, it's a waste of your time. Shouldn't you be reading your scriptures or something?
Oooh, good one. You're LDS, too, so you should be reading yours just as much as I should.
Seriously, quit wasting my time.
Can't think of any more comebacks, can you?
This is good.
Oh no, I've got plenty. But you might find them offensive and ask me to issue an apology.
Oh, were you going to make it personal and start a rude chant about my sex life? You're right, keep it to yourself.
Thought so.
When you get kicked out because of the Honor code and it gets picked up nationally on ESPN and other networks we'll give you a yell
Random Person: ^^ this chicks a beezy. You're saying we aren't classy? Well at least we don't look down at people saying they aren't smart enough to get accepted into BYU...so take your unwanted attitude back to Provo. Kthanksbye(:
You're not supposed to have a sex-life if you go to BYU...
BYU Student #3: Dude, what's with all the hate? like, seriously. This isn't like a high school rivalry anymore. we're adults who go to Universities. Also, universities are about education, not sports. BTW, i go to BYU and I have a very good sex life... Just saying :)
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